- What led to this boldness? 是什么令他壮起胆来呢?
- We have no idea what lead to this dog cull. 我们没有想法什麽导致这狗拣掉。
- What led you to this conclusion? 你是如何得出这个结论的?
- What led to the fall of Atlantis? 是什么导致了亚特兰蒂斯的沦落?
- What led to the prisoner's recapture? 靠什麽线索把那个逃犯捉回的?
- A dispute over an inheritance forty or fifty years ago led to a family feud which exists to this day. 四五十年前两家为继承财产发生纠葛结下的宿仇持续至今。
- Your carelessness led to this traffic accident. 你的粗心导致了这次交通事故。
- To be blind to this will lead to the gravest error. 看不到这一点,就会犯极大的错误。
- A simple example can demonstrate what led Aristotle to this conclusion. 一个简单的例子可以说明是什么东西使亚里士多德得到这一结论的。
- What leads to this is that IP multicast technology lacks security control while providing simplicity and openness: users can join a multicast group and can send data to a group at will, which makes it hardly useful in commercial environment. 阻碍IP组播技术部署的原因是组播技术在保持简单性和开放性的同时缺少必要的安全控制,用户可以随意地加入组播组和随意地向组播组发送信息,这种随意性使得IP组播很难在商业应用中有所作为。
- There are two main factors leading to this change. 主要有两个方面的原因导致了这种变化。
- WN: What leads to the marginalization of their rights? 中国新闻周刊:是什么原因造成“小姐”权利边缘化?
- We do not know what led to the disaster nor who inflicted it. 我不知道灾祸从何时起,也不知道肇事者是谁。
- Finally, prepare an explanation about what led to your layoff. 最后,要准备好一套说辞来解释你被解雇的原因。
- What led you to believe I was ill? 什么使你相信我病了?
- His carelessness led to this serious traffic accident. 他的粗心导致这场严重的交通事故。
- Duke officials are still investigating what led to the Feb. 7 error. 杜克大学医院的官员正在调查造成2月7日手术事故的原因。
- Duke officials are still investigating what led to the Feb. 7 error. 杜克大学医院的官员正在调查造成2月7日手术事故的原因。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- What led him to resign his office? 什么事导致他辞职的?